Elmo Art

ARTIST Statement

I am an artist living in London, I produce art to clarify and express my thoughts and feelings regarding the world around me hoping that my work can articulate the viewers perception, painting and drawing are used as my main medium, because they allow me to materialise almost any idea that I have in a direct intimate manner . I am fascinated by the motif of pictures within a picture as well as the motif , collections .Which are used in my work because they offer the chance to tie together the subject across its different contexts in time as I find this produces a multi- dimensional exploration of my subject matter by exploring multiple perspectives .

My work is currently focused on investigating the feeling of being overstimulated by the world, as it is presented through the internet . Namely as a kaleidoscopic hodgepodge of unrelated data and images , were bikini adverts can be found next to to videos of war, guru advice and dogs , on Instagram to give an example , my paintings being an attempt to give form and discover pattern to the bombardment of information received everyday with laboriousness of the painting process giving me the chance to engage slowly and methodically with the content received online 

I hope you appreciate my work. If you are interested please don’t hesitate to contact me
